Measures to improve traffic safety
Train operation safety
Safety and reliability are the passengers’ basic requirements.
Since its inception, JSC Federal Passenger Company has been annually meeting the key targets for traffic safety and improved reliability of technical equipment.
This consistent performance is driven by the traffic safety policy adopted at FPC and the systematic efforts to implement the tasks set by the review meeting of Russian Railways’ Management Board across the following areas:
- Implementation of FPC’s Programme of Measures to Reduce the Frequency of Traffic Incidents and Accidents and the Severity of their Consequences, and to Achieve the Set Targets for Traffic Safety
- Implementation of the roadmap to ensure functional traffic safety at FPC
- Continued expansion of the annual scope of activities of structural units responsible for technical audits of operational processes
- Adoption of digital capabilities and technologies in traffic safety
- Maintaining staff competencies through training, professional development and mentoring.

Fire safety
In 2019, there was one fire affecting the Company’s assets. was caused by an external ignition source (smoking).
In 2019, the Company implemented a RUB 140 million plus operational fire safety programme:
- fire safety systems (total costs: over RUB 46.5 million)
- procurement materials and equipment (total costs: RUB 32 million), including fire extinguishers, Strazhnik-3 fire extinguishing aerosol generators, eye and respiratory personal protective equipment (PPE), entrenching tools, etc.
- measures to ensure compliance with statutory and mandatory fire safety requirements (total costs: over RUB 15 million), including:
- servicing fire extinguishers, fireproofing facilities, testing escape ladders and roof railings, assigning explosive and fire hazard classes to premises following the Electric Installation Guidelines, installation of fire-rated doors.
Fire work on rolling stock and stationary objects of FPC was carried out jointly FGP Security of Railway Transport.
As part of its Investment Programme, the Company installed and commissioned 77 fire protection systems at its stationary facilities in 2019.
Industrial safety
In 2018, FPC implemented a Centralised Industrial Safety Programme, investing RUB 33.7 million in 523 activities at hazardous facilities, including expert assessments of industrial safety, and inspections and certifications of machinery.
By improving operations and ensuring compliance with federal laws, the Company reduced the number of hazardous facilities in 2019 from 198 to 180, cutting the number of machinery items at hazardous facilities from 467 to 454.
As part of the Programme, FPC replaced equipment at hazardous facilities that reached the end of its standard service life in 2019 for RUB 118.6 million.
In line with Federal Law No. 225-FZ On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of the Owner of a Hazardous Facility for Inflicting Damage as a Result of an Accident at the Hazardous Facility dated 27 July 2010, all FPC’s hazardous operating facilities are insured.
Transport safety
FPC’s arrangements for transport safety and security are governed by Federal Law No. 16-FZ On Transport Safety dated 9 February 2007.
Seeking to protect passengers from unlawful interferenceUnlawful interference is an unlawful action (omission), including a terror attack, such as to jeopardise the safety of the transport system, resulting in damage to life and health of individuals, financial damage or posing a threat of such consequences; unlawful and illegal actions, etc. on long-distance trains, FPC started to engage certified providers of transport security services.
During the preparation and holding of the 29th Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk in 2019, FPC implemented a range of transport security measures, including:
- deployment of transport security officers travelling end-to-end on FPC’s 21 passenger trains carrying passenger groups for the Company clients
- deployment of FPC’s transport security officers travelling end-to-end within Russia on two foreign trains (Ulaanbaatar Railbus and China State Railway Group Company) running through Krasnoyarsk.
In 2019, police officers, transport security officers, and private security guards ensured security on 81% of FPC’s long-distance trains (80% in 2018). The Company strongly focused on providing security for children travelling in organised groups.
International passenger trains put together in other countries and travelling in Russia were escorted by transport security officers, which helped significantly decrease technical failures in carriages, on-board equipment, electrical equipment, and firefighting systems, as well as reduce violations of the rules of passenger services, baggage and unaccompanied baggage transport.
During 2019, the Company had zero incidents of unlawful interferences on its passenger trains.